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MZK servis, Tigridova 1618, 250 82 Úvaly

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    TWIN 8 mini vario


44 x 23 x 9mm, 8,3g
8 channel receiver without external telemtric senzors, with external senzors 7 channel only

Receivers TWIN 8 mini vario
Telemetric Data
Dimensions (mm) 44 x 23 x 9
Weight (g) 8,3
Supply voltage 3,3  -  9 V
Average current mA) 65
Operation temperature -15 to +85°C
Antenna lenght 2 x 200 mm
Receiver Senzitivity -106 dBm
Output power 20dBm
# of Channel Outputs 8 /7+čidlo

Width DPH: 110.42 EUR
Price: 110.42 EUR